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I was inspired by a horror movie that I watched last night, believe it or not :)&nbs...
This is one of my old drawings, off course inspired by ancient Egypt. This is by fare my favourite drawing :) I just thought that I show you some pencil drawings, I used drawings to handle emotions in my young teens. I tend to let the dark side out this way, it is more productive. Always remember practise makes Perfec...
A reflection of my mind this day.....
ADVANCED PHOTOSHOP TUTORIALS Top 10 Text Effects These Tutorials are *Not mine, just the image above this text :) var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; var addthis_config = {"data_track_addressbar":true}; These are just a few of the text effects which I really Like, and the Tutorial on how to create them yourself. Tutorials are great lessons, that will surely improve any Photoshopper's talents. As they say practice makes perfect. In each of these tutorials there are some great tips, so dig in. These are advanced tutorials, so you will need to know a little bit before you dig into them. But they will inspire you as well as pulling out the best artist in you. Tutorial Number 1. How to Create an Ice Text Effect with Photoshop TUTORIAL BY Gianluca...
Dark Waters Pretty self explanatory :...
- Space Activity - Much happens, where there is nothing...
When Powerful forces meet - Matter meets Matte...
Planet Eater A planet being ripped apart from within by a greater external force, such as a black hole...
This is my attempt to make a realistic star field from scratch, meaning there are no pictures used...
Let the Music take you to another dimension. The Picture of the model was taken by Alena Ozerova from Ukraine -
Old Paper Bunch *Download Link This Graphic "Pack FBI Brown Paper Files" contains: 2 pieces of old styled paper Old dirty envelopes Small manuskript note paper Preview Imag...